Contract Law Acceptance

In contract law, acceptance is defined as the act of agreeing to the terms and conditions set forth in a contractual agreement. It is an essential element needed to create a legally binding contract. Acceptance can be given either explicitly or implicitly, and it can also be communicated through various mediums, including verbal communication, written communication, and electronic communication.

Explicit Acceptance

A contract`s express acceptance occurs when the parties involved in the agreement explicitly agree to the terms and conditions. This type of acceptance is usually communicated through written or verbal communication. For instance, a written contract signed by both parties indicating their willingness to be bound by the agreement is an example of explicit acceptance.

A verbal agreement is another example of explicit acceptance. For instance, if two parties agree on the terms of a contract, but no written agreement is drafted, the acceptance is usually communicated through verbal communication.

Implicit Acceptance

An implied acceptance happens when the behavior of the parties indicates their willingness to be bound by the agreement. It occurs when a party acts as if they have accepted the terms and conditions of a contract without explicitly stating so. For instance, if you order goods or services from a supplier, and they deliver the goods or perform the service, this implies that you have accepted the terms and conditions of the contract.

Communication of Acceptance

In contract law, the acceptance must also be communicated to the offeror. A contract is not binding until the acceptance is properly communicated. This means that the offeror must be made aware that the offeree has accepted the terms and conditions of the contract.

The communication of acceptance can be done through various mediums, including written communication, verbal communication, and electronic communication. For example, if the offeror sends an email with the terms and conditions of the contract, the acceptance can also be communicated through email.


In summary, acceptance is a critical element of contract law, and it is necessary to create a legally binding agreement. It can be given either explicitly or implicitly, and it can be communicated through various mediums. It is important to ensure that the acceptance is communicated to the offeror and that it is done in a way that is legally valid. Any ambiguity or uncertainty regarding acceptance can lead to disputes and legal issues down the road. Therefore, it is crucial to seek legal advice when drafting and accepting contractual agreements.