Shared Care Agreement Nhs Birmingham

Shared Care Agreement NHS Birmingham: Understanding the Concept

As the NHS strives to improve healthcare outcomes for patients across the UK, various strategies have been put in place, one of which is the Shared Care Agreement. The Shared Care Agreement is a collaborative approach to patient care that involves primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare providers working together to deliver high-quality and convenient care to patients.

In NHS Birmingham, the Shared Care Agreement is a significant initiative aimed at promoting a seamless transition between healthcare providers, especially in cases where patients require ongoing care for chronic conditions. This article aims to provide an overview of the Shared Care Agreement and how it works in NHS Birmingham.

What is a Shared Care Agreement?

A Shared Care Agreement (SCA) is a document that outlines the roles and responsibilities of different healthcare providers involved in the care of a patient. The document is used to ensure that patients receive consistent care across different healthcare settings, including hospitals, community clinics, and primary care providers.

The SCA promotes collaboration between healthcare providers, ensuring that they work together to deliver the best possible care to patients. The document also outlines the monitoring and review process required to ensure that patients receive appropriate care and that any changes to their care are made in a timely and safe manner.

How does the Shared Care Agreement work in NHS Birmingham?

In NHS Birmingham, the Shared Care Agreement is used to manage patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis. The agreement ensures that patients receive appropriate care from their primary care provider while providing them with direct access to secondary and tertiary services where necessary.

The Shared Care Agreement also outlines the procedures for monitoring and reviewing the patient`s care plan, ensuring that any changes to their condition are addressed promptly and effectively. The review process may involve regular meetings between the patient, their primary care provider, and any other healthcare professional involved in their care, such as a specialist nurse or consultant.

Benefits of the Shared Care Agreement

The Shared Care Agreement provides several benefits to patients and healthcare providers involved in a patient`s care. Some of these benefits include:

1. Improved patient outcomes – The shared care model ensures that patients receive consistent and coordinated care, leading to improved outcomes.

2. Better communication between healthcare providers – The SCA promotes better communication between healthcare providers, ensuring that they work together to deliver the best possible care to patients.

3. Convenience – Patients can receive care closer to home, reducing the need for hospital visits.

4. Reduced healthcare costs – By reducing the need for hospital admissions, the SCA reduces healthcare costs significantly.


The Shared Care Agreement is a vital initiative that promotes collaboration between healthcare providers, ensuring that patients receive appropriate care across different healthcare settings. NHS Birmingham has embraced this initiative, and it is already delivering significant benefits to patients and healthcare providers in the region. If you require ongoing care for a chronic condition, the Shared Care Agreement may be an option worth exploring, as it provides you with access to coordinated and effective care.