Kentucky Aprn Collaborative Agreement

The Kentucky APRN Collaborative Agreement – Everything You Need To Know

If you`re a registered nurse in Kentucky with an advanced nursing degree, you may be wondering about the Kentucky APRN Collaborative Agreement. This agreement is an essential requirement for advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) in Kentucky who wish to provide independent medical services.

But what exactly is the Kentucky APRN Collaborative Agreement, and how does it work? This article will give you a comprehensive overview of this agreement, its requirements, and its benefits.

What is the Kentucky APRN Collaborative Agreement?

The Kentucky APRN Collaborative Agreement is a legal document that outlines the professional relationship between an APRN and a collaborating physician. This agreement allows APRNs to provide primary medical care, diagnose and treat medical conditions, and prescribe medication without physician supervision.

The Kentucky Board of Nursing requires APRNs to enter into a Collaborative Agreement with a physician before they can practice independently. The Collaborative Agreement must be approved by the Board of Nursing and must be renewed every four years.

What are the Requirements for the Kentucky APRN Collaborative Agreement?

To obtain a Kentucky APRN Collaborative Agreement, APRNs must first meet the following requirements:

– Hold a current and valid Kentucky RN license

– Hold an advanced nursing degree from an accredited program

– Be certified in their specialty by a nationally recognized certification organization

– Have at least one year of experience in their specialty

– Identify a collaborating physician with whom they have a professional relationship

Once these requirements are met, the APRN and the collaborating physician must sign a Collaborative Agreement, which outlines the specific medical services the APRN is authorized to perform. This agreement must be renewed every four years to ensure that the APRN is meeting the Board of Nursing`s requirements.

What are the Benefits of the Kentucky APRN Collaborative Agreement?

The Kentucky APRN Collaborative Agreement provides several benefits for APRNs, physicians, and patients. Some of these benefits include:

– Increased Access to Medical Care: APRNs who hold a Collaborative Agreement can provide primary medical care, diagnose and treat medical conditions, and prescribe medications without physician supervision. This allows patients in remote or underserved areas to receive medical care without having to travel long distances to see a physician.

– Collaboration between APRNs and Physicians: The Collaborative Agreement promotes collaboration between APRNs and physicians, which can lead to better patient outcomes. The agreement encourages physicians and APRNs to work together to identify the best course of treatment for each patient.

– Professional Development: APRNs who hold a Collaborative Agreement can gain valuable professional experience, develop their skills, and expand their knowledge in their specialty.


The Kentucky APRN Collaborative Agreement is an essential requirement for APRNs in Kentucky who wish to provide independent medical services. This agreement promotes collaboration between APRNs and physicians, increases access to medical care, and provides professional development opportunities for APRNs.

If you`re an APRN in Kentucky, obtaining a Collaborative Agreement can be a significant step in your professional career. Make sure to meet the Board of Nursing`s requirements and identify a collaborating physician with whom you have a professional relationship to start providing independent medical services today.